Hello, I'm Florence !

55 years old, I live in Loison sur Créquoise

Host, Le Domaine de Fresnoy

01 Jan
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Photo de présentation

Our hope for guests at Domaine de Fresnoy is that they’re so relaxed they’ll quickly disconnect from all the constraints of modern life. Waking to the sound of birdsong, breathing the pure morning air, and eating a great breakfast full of local flavour will all help guests to do just that. In fact, we’re in the business of helping you do whatever you please, at whatever pace suits you!


My current experiences
Florence Meet Your Host
1 night(s)2 pers.

From the moment I created my eco-therapy business Canopsia, my dream was to have a space that I could dedicate to helping to mend man and nature’s broken relationship. That dream became reality at the start of 2021 when I opened Domaine de Fresnoy in Loison sur Créquoise, a leafy paradise that’s bursting with history.