Hello, I'm Gaspard !

39 years old, I live in SAINT-LEGER-AUX-BOIS

Host, Cabanes de la Réserve

01 Jan
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The perfect place to press reset, wrap yourself in calming nature, and leave the demands of daily life behind is right here in the French countryside only 75 minutes from Paris.


When I was about 10 years old, I’d often help my dad out in the school holidays with the cabins he was working on on our family estate. It became a passion that I picked up again when I was working at Domaine des Grands Chênes in Raray, and am still at it here in Saint Léger aux Bois. I love that one of our guests was a 93-year-old gentleman who chose to stay in the tallest cabin; he explained that he wanted to spend the night alone up in the trees because he’d never been allowed to do so as a child. The magic that trees gift us is unending.