Hello, I'm Philippe !

61 years old, I live in SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-TOURMONT

Local resident and ornithologist, an expert concerning the birds in the Bay of Somme


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Fascinated by birds ever since I was a child, I know the species that come to the Picardy Coast like the back of my hand. What do I like about my work? Sharing, talking with people being on hand to help them and acting as an interpreter in terms of the way birds live.
Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you have about the Parc du Marquenterre and the Bay of Somme; I know the very best viewing points for birdwatching!

My insider tips

A day in the Somme Bay

In summer it’s a good idea to come to the Parc du Marquenterre in the morning or when it’s high tide in the estuary as the birds are still in and around their nests. In the afternoon and at low tide they’re more likely to be off hunting for food, so that’s when you can see them around the bay, especially at Saint-Valery-sur-Somme , Cayeux-sur-Mer and Hable d’Ault. The bay is also home to France’s largest colony of Common Seals and some Grey seals – Le Hourdel is a good place to spot them.

Discovering the Plage de la Maye

One of my favourite beaches is Plage de la Maye – it’s always uncrowded because there’s no road to it and you have to walk for around an hour to get there. But it’s worth the trip – there’s 16 km of unspoilt sand. The path starts from Saint-Quentin-en-Tourmont and is signposted “Sentier d’accès à la mer.”

I was born and bred in this area and grew up with a passion for birds and today I’m very fortunate indeed to earn my living as ornithologist. I’ve studied spoonbills and avocets a lot but I also like the small common passerines we can see in our gardens.